Please sign the P.L.E.D.G.E.
SOS-squared has six starting points we call "The P.L.E.D.G.E.".
P=POLICIES that have underwritten P-12 education have failed abjectly. We recognize this.
L=LEADERS must acknowledge their complicity in consigning children, educators and parents to the above failed policies. Leaders who cannot acknowledge this should resign or be voted out.
E=EQUITABLE OUTCOMES. We must make a shared vow to smash the achievement gap in elementary and middle schools by the year 2030 and open up unlimited learning to all students.
D=DEVELOP NEW POLICIES that are fail-proof and guaranteed to succeed by this Monday morning in Ms. Smith's classroom.
G=GET PARENTS INVOLVED on an unprecedented and unimaginable scale. No mysteries or surprises: give parents the key and map to their children's guaranteed academic success.
E=EDUCATORS WHO ARE UNLEASHED AND CAN RUN! We demand happy and hopeful teachers. We want principals who are in corridors and classrooms-far away from their desks-leading education.